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Snowy winter watercolor landscape

Snowy winter watercolor landscape
Snowy winter watercolor landscape

The first week of the 31 days of mini watercolor paintings is about to finish. In the beginning I haven’t decided a theme. I wanted to paint as the flow goes and I think I am leaning towards landscapes. I enjoy painting watercolor landscapes.

For the day 6 of 31 days of mini watercolor paintings, I decided to joing Zaneena Nabeel’s Skillshare class on winter watercolor landscapes. This is a second class project. I like attending her class because I love the way she explain everything. She makes things so easy for you that you won’t believe at the end that you painted a beautiful landscape within 15-20 minutes. She is simply amazing!

If you are a beginner and want to learn how to paint with watercolors, I will suggest you to invest your time and money to Skillshare classes or you can book an art date with me where we will paint subject of your choice from the options in one to one online video call.

I am offering art dates where you can choose to paint sunset bookmark or galaxy bookmark or we can paint a beautiful floral greeting card which you can later gift to your loved one.

Thank you so much for stopping by!




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